Marie Baillargeon

Baton Coach

Marie (Lashyn) Baillargeon is a “home grown product” of Brenda’s School of Baton & Dance. She walked into her first “Tiny Tots” class at the age of two-and-a-half and progressed through years of various dance disciplines, all of which supported her in her passion, the sport of baton twirling!  There were many memories made and dreams come true through her time with BSOBAD & OTC.

Baton twirling offered many opportunities for Marie.  From competing in individual and partner events, to being part of a cohesive team facing the challenge of stiff competition or performing for captive audiences, Marie feels fortunate to have “done it all”!  She has competed locally, nationally and internationally with various placements on the podium, for various routines. Each baton competition was an adventure, with travels from British Columbia to New Brunswick, the States, and overseas brought not only new challenges but also the opportunity to tour & experience all the respective locations had to offer. As part of “Team Canada” in 2013 & 2015, international accomplishments included: placing “Top 10” in several individual events and “Top 5” with her team in The Netherlands; and placing “Top 5” with her partner, Emily Leakos, in the Junior A Pair division in Abbotsford, BC.

Marie has fond memories of competing and performing with the Select Reflections Dance Troupe in Chicago, Illinois (2011) and Disney World, Florida (2009, 2016). Closer to home, the Select Reflections half-time performance when the Saskatchewan Rush won the NLL Championship in 2016 was one of many exciting events Marie was thrilled to be part of